英語法座/English Dharma Service | 築地本願寺

築地本願寺で 学ぶ

英語法座 English Dharma Service

Physical services have resumed and you can also watch the services LIVE on YouTube

Anyone is cordially invited to attend this opportunity to listen to the Jodo Shinshu teachings in English.

  • Location/
    場 所

    Kodo Hall /

  • Time/
    時 間

    17:30 ~ 18:45

  • Registration/

    Not necessary/不要

Admission is free 聴聞無料

A monthly English service followed by a Dharma talk is conducted in the Information Center Conference Room.
It is open to the public and anyone may attend.
The service consists of sutra chanting, Buddhist gatha singing, and a Dharma talk that is given in English.
In May and November, there are special services: Gotane (Founder Shinran Shonin’s birthday celebration)
and Hoonko (Annual memorial for Shinran Shonin). A dinner gathering is held after the service on both occasions.
※ Please note that due to the pandemic, fellowship and dinner gatherings will not be held for the time being.


The “Larger Sutra” teaching of ‘Desiring Less and Being Satisfied with What I Already Have’: Its Message for the Personal & the Social
Rev. Dr. Kenneth TANAKA
Prof. Emeritus, Musashino University, Tokyo
武蔵野大学名誉教授 ケネス田中 師

Thank you for watching the online service of Tsukiji Hongwanji’s English Dharma Service. We would appreciate if you could fill up this survey and give us your feedback or views so that we can improve on the services.

Please click here to fill in the survey

October 2024 〜 March 2025


英語法座 スケジュール
英語法座 スケジュール


築地本願寺 教化育成部 

03-3541-1131 (代表)


平日9:00 〜 17:00